
  • Is CBD Safe To Take With Fibromyalgia Drugs?

    CBD oil may be everywhere, but that doesn’t mean it’s safe for you to take. CBD, short for cannabidiol, is a cannabinoid patients with fibromyalgia take to help with pain, inflammation,  anxiety, insomnia, and other symptoms. Whether it’s from hemp or cannabis, CBD taken orally or in patch form applied to your wrist has the […]


  • 31 Healing Mantras For Fibromyalgia Patients

    31 healing mantras for fibromyalgia patients

    Bet you think or used to think that positive affirmations or healing mantras are bullshit. Me too. But let me get vulnerable with you. When I going into the ER three times a week, and doctors couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me, and I was on high levels of morphine each day to deal […]


  • Cannabis For Fibromyalgia: Risks and Benefits

    Cannabis For Fibromyalgia

    Cannabis for fibromyalgia patients can be life-changing. At least it was for me! As a neuroscientist diagnosed with fibromyalgia, I tried all the traditional treatments, but nothing worked and the side effects were awful. Cannabis and CBD are helpful for fibro patients because they treat some of the root causes of fibromyalgia instead of just […]